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Wow I love Zander, I can't wait to hear more of his story! Also a small note, there are a couple grammatical/sentence errors for selected they/them pronouns, for example; In the scene where Carter suggests MC can see more than Renard, he says "They does that." 

(1 edit)

I'm aware of the grammar problems with the they/them pronouns. I've been going back and fixing them bit by bit and trying to be more conscious of not making them in the future.

Edit to add: I'm really glad you're enjoying the story and you'll learn a little more about Z in chapter 7.


 I PLAY TO QUICKKK but im so glad for the ch 6 update this is TOO GOOD


This is freaking good.

I  humbly await the updates .


Thank you in advance ☺️ 


My tastes are so predictable. I see a hot, snarky and clearly suspicious person and I want to kiss them silly. R, my darling, come here. 😻 

Love everything so far, and the balance of mc powers feels just right - strong, but not op with plenty of room to develop. Can't wait to see if my theories on their past pay off. 👀


i absolutely ADORE carter! shooting for zander but i need to know the lore behind carter and zander because im very curious👀  loved the update!!


Carter is best dad 🥺

 Love the ROs to bits, fascinating and beautiful people that they are, but I can't help but pick the options that let me hang out with Papa Bear  Carter 😂😂😂

I love him so much- 😭😭😭😭


You know, in theory I knew how popular Carter would be, but the response to him has been wild. I love it that you guys love him so much.

(3 edits) (+3)

I really, really like Renard, but I adore Kestrel.

Loved every interaction with them. 

I was wondering if the last released Chapter released was the 5. Because I saw on your Tumblr that you were working on Chapter 7, and I was confused/wondering if I missed the 6th Chapter, lol.

Can't wait to see more of the story/characters and I'm (not so secretly) hoping that the MC isn't just human.


Chapter 6 should be available to you? Let me know if you're having trouble accessing it.

I just looked at the Development log and the last in the List is Chapter 5. Honestly, I didn't look that much at the chapters when a new one started, so maybe I missed it. If that's the case, I'm sorry :(


Oh no worries hon! Yeah i dont quite know why it does that with the devlog, but 6 is available now.


$rheshse, my favorite character. 

All bugs set aside, I'm loving the story so far.

I love this game sm😭🙏


No words to describe how much i love this ^^ 

Never have a played an IF that had me foaming at the mouth biting the walls and climbing on the ceiling for More than one RO (R and kestrel watch out 😻)


hello??? i NEED more?? now???????


this was great, can't wait for more! 


I LOVE KESTREL WHAT HTE HFUICK. spoiledsweet i lvoe this IF please take my hoarded coupons and treat urself to a drink or smth IDK i hopw YOU YOUUUU YOUUUU have a GOOOD LIFE. pls i love this


Can't wait for next chapter! This is so goooddd

Honestly can't wait for more

Looking forward to this

Great stuff :D

(1 edit)

glad you enjoyed it!


I'm obsessed with Rowan. She can bite me and I won't even complain.
This entire concept is great! Looking forward to more :)

cool stuff so far, but

=======... spoilers?========

i encountered so.e dialogue anout how someone could have done harm while under effects of the wine, even when i chose "no drinky wine" option

==== end spoils====

Thank you 


Just finished the chapter. 

From brief interaction with Kestrel, gotta say they seem fun :D.

Can't wait for more.

(5 edits) (+3)

Fresh playthrough started today

Broken variable.


Wrong name 


Broken variable


Didn't drink the wine


Then? Wrong word?



It seems like there's a very very small mistake in the code with Z's gender. I don't know, and it's not a big deal, but I figured I'd let you know anyway. Sorry if I'm mistaken.


ooh! Thank you for pointing this out! It's the wrong variable altogether which is why it's messing up (it's the variable for kestrel's gender)


This was so good! I enjoyed everything about it—the characters, the dialogue, the pacing, everything was very well done. I really enjoyed playing the MC; while they’re (understandably) ignorant of the supernatural world and what’s happening, they’re not flighty or helpless. That balance is difficult to do well and you wrote it beautifully. I also appreciate the many options you give to the players. I’m looking forward to reading what comes next!

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

loved the update, it was so so amazing :D the Kestrel seems like a mischievous Loki Fae. I'm looking forward to the next update :D take care, stay safe and hydrated, wish you the best for everything <3

Thank you, love! Im glad you enjoyed the chapter!


I honestly think you could settle for dialog tags/tone indicators rather than symbols, you have too much. I get symbols for flirt and friendly options but adding in even more symbols for tone of voice gets complicated and confusing.

I appreciate the input  ☺️

Wasn't there a 4th romance option? Did they get removed?

No, you may be thinking of a different story. In the description i do mention possibly adding a fourth but nothing concrete.


welp. rowan can step on me. im obsessed


This made me scream laugh lol. Thanks for reading!

This is really interesting so far and I'm excited to see where it goes!

My only little note is that the section at the end of chapter 3 immediately following "Renard answers you only with a quiet, shuddering breath." has such a long wait in between the text and the next button showing up I thought there was some kind of glitch/the demo had abruptly ended.

(1 edit)

lol I've heard this complaint a few times. It'll be changed with the next update, promise.

Hi there! Really enjoying the story so far. I found a couple of typos. Where would you like me to report them?

Looking forward to chapter 5!

For typos and errors, you can either post them here if that's easiest for you, you can join us over at this Discord and post them in the bug-report chat, or you can hop over to Patreon and leave a message there. Thank you for reading and I appreciate you taking the time for this : )


I cannot wait for the next chapter but all-in-all I love the whole story so much, it's fun, it's cool and the banter with the RO's is so amusing xD you did amazing!

Sorry if youve answered this before, but will you be updating soon? Or will you post chapter 5 after youve posted six to ur paetron?

I will be updating Chapter 5 as soon as it's finished (we're getting close, I promise). Patreon members (at the second tier I think?) will get it a week early, but I won't make anyone here wait any longer than that.

Thanks! Sorry take ur time, i was just curious. And also u maybe got me're a great writer!

Thank you! I'm really glad you're enjoying it.


Such a good story! I looove when the MC is powerful an strong enough to defend themselves, hate when they're just a damsel in distress... Thank you for the great experience, waiting for the next updates! S2


I'm getting Joel vibes from Carter and I love it


I can see that! Carter's been compared to a few different father-figure characters. A lot of his demeanor and quirks are based on my own dad.

Loving the story but I found an issue. It is possible to get Soft-Locked in the menus if you first go into either the 'Information' or the 'Glossary' tab then immediately go into the other tab. Now when you click 'Return' at the bottom of the screen you will just cycle back and forth between the information and glassary tabs instead of returning to the game.

(1 edit)

Huh. Interesting! I'll see if there's a way to fix this.

ETA: So it looks like the return buttons on the bottom will strand you in a loop, but the back arrow at the top of the sidebar still works. You just have to click it multiple times to get you back to start. I'm not sure if there's anyway to make the return function work without borking the code. I'll check it.

When is chapter 5 coming out and how regularly do you update this game?


I've been updating at a good pace, I think. Chapter 5 is a little less than half done. The last couple weeks haven't been as productive as I'd like because I was on a road trip with my sister for two weeks and just got back just for my internet to get borked. 

Assuming my internet gets fixed soonish, I'll have a demo of chapter 5 up on the patreon maybe by the end of the week? We will see. 

Thank you, have a good day!


You too!


Pls R and MC’s dynamic is so funny. 💀 They barley know each other and they’ve already got that old married couple energy I’m so here for it. 

(2 edits) (+1)

This is pretty good stuff, the story, the love interest and the world building, I love them all


I'm glad to hear it! Thanks for reading.


this was great, that cliffhanger hurt, and I can't wait for future chapters and more of rowans entire personality


Dig the new update, it left me wanting more (in a good way). Overall I feel like the story provides enough new info and intrigue to keep me invested without blasting me with too much to keep track of, looking forward to more!

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